22 JUL
Banking & fintech innovation in the CEE region
In a former Austro-Hungarian fortress in Oradea, Romania, something magical happened between the 13th and 14th of July – Unchain Fintech Festival. The first major fintech event in Central Eastern Europe, Unchain gathered some of the most important experts in the banking and financial field to talk about the future of money.
19 JUL
Unchain Fintech Festival took place in Oradea between the 13th and 14th of July
Unchain Fintech Festival, which shaped the fintech landscape in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and set the industry trends, took place in Oradea last week, between 13 and 14 July. The pilot edition has reunited over 300 participants from over 20 countries.
18 JUL
What Is Next for Fintech in CEE? All Roads Lead To Oradea
In the middle of summer’s concert season, Oradea became the host of passionate fintech players. The Western part of Romania was the zip code of the first edition of the Unchain Fintech Festival, which presented the perfect melting pot of mature and newbie vessels.
18 JUL
Unchain Fintech Festival: 300 participants from 20 countries set the trends for an effervescent industry
Unchain Fintech Festival, which shaped the fintech landscape in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and set the industry trends, took place in Oradea between July 13th and 14th.
13 JUL
National Bank or Romania Csaba Bálint speech on the occasion of “Unchain Fintech Festival”
I am delighted to be here today, in the charming city of Oradea, my hometown. I would like to thank the organisers for inviting me to share some ideas and discuss briefly the progress we made at the National Bank of Romania regarding CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).
28 JUN
Tot mai multe state vor implementarea CBDC-urilor. Sunt instituțiile pregătite pentru o transformare digitală?
Tot mai multe state iau în calcul implementarea CBDC-urilor în următorii ani. În zorii transformării digitale a sectorului financiar, înainte de a avea CBDC-uri (Central Bank Digital Currency/ Moneda digitală a Băncii Centrale) în fiecare stat dezvoltat.
23 JUN
The case of CBDCs and how can financial regulators prepare the path for the digital transformation of the states
Linardo Martinčević from the Croatian National Bank (CNB) and Péter Sajtos from the Central Bank of Hungary discuss the case of CBDCs in the CEE Region and globally.
14 JUN
FIs in the CEE region interested in fintech innovation, digital currencies, regtech – study finds
The research project gathers intel and crucial insights from top banking and fintech representatives regarding the current rate of innovation adoption in financial institutions, as well as key opinions on prioritising the integration of various aspects of fintech and current trends.
“Fintech Under the Spotlight” CEE Market Report Launched by Unchain Fintech Festival
For the past two years, the global financial industry has had to constantly adapt to the fast pace of forced digitization determined by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many challenges had to be overcome, including an immediate switch to contactless payments, a serious need for invoice payment solutions, and a move to open banking..
31 MAY
Only two weeks left for the startups in CEE to register for the Unchain Ideas startups competition thart will take place within the Unchain Fintech Festival, an event that will take place between 13 and 14th of July 2022.
20 MAY
Unchain Fintech Festival in Oradea opens up new opportunities for fintech and blockchain startups
Summer is full of excitement. And the upcoming Unchain Fintech Festival will contribute to it with its physical event in Oradea, a Romanian city at the very heart of the CEE region, on 13-14 July 2022.
19 MAY
CFTE partners with Unchain Fintech Festival, flagship Fintech and Blockchain event of the Central Eastern Europe (CEE)
CFTE is thrilled to announce its collaboration with the Unchain Fintech Festival which will take place on the 13th – 14th of July 2022, as a physical event, and will represent stakeholders from the business landscape in payments, loans, insurance, personal finance, e-commerce, banking, and more.
30 MAR
Bulgaria: Unchain Fintech Festival – The Regional Premiere Fintech & Blockchain Event
For 2 days this summer, between 13th to 14th of July 2022, Oradea will become ground zero for innovation in financial services
30 MAR
Unchain Fintech Festival – the regional premiere fintech & blockchain event
The two days of the festival will cover the most important trends in fintech and blockchain, being an in-person meeting place for 500+ innovative financial institutions, regulators, technology companies, VCs and startups
29 MAR
Unchain Fintech Festival – the regional premiere fintech & blockchain event
Fintech and blockchain are taking the financial industry by storm. This summer, between the 13th and 14th of July 2022, Oradea, the heart of Central and Eastern Europe, will become ground zero for innovation in financial services.
29 MAR
Unchain Fintech Festival – evenimentul regional de referinTA In fintech Si blockchain
În această vară, între 13 și 14 Iulie 2022, Oradea, centrul Europei Centrale și de Est, va deveni punctul de întâlnire al celor mai importanți actori din industria financiară regională. Bancheri, instituții financiare, instituții de…
Be one of the promoters of the fintech & blockchain Central and Eastern Europe ecosystem and join in spreading the message all around. Below you can find useful materials for media distribution. Should you need any other information, please contact us at marketing@unchainfestival.com.
Access >> at this link << Unchain logos, banners and mixed graphics with event content that you could use in your media
Join the event as a media representative and get a chance to see first hand the hottest topics debated on stage by regional fintech thought leaders, banking experts and regulatory authorities. Sessions will not be streamed online, so make sure you submit your request to join the event in-person.